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Learning to Read

Why Early Literacy Matters!

  • Illiteracy costs the U.S. approximately $300.8 billion per year.

  • A staggering 68% of fourth graders not reading proficiently, (The Nation's Report Card, 2022).

  • 2/3 of children that cannot ready proficiently by the end of 4th grade are more likely to end up in jail or on welfare.

  • Many teachers around the country have been teaching children to read using programs that are not backed by science.

  • The science of reading has proven that 95% of all children can be successful in reading with explicit, systematic instruction.

  • Comprehension skills in children as young as age 4 are predictive of later performance of reading comprehension in upper elementary school grades. 

  • Alphabetic knowledge in preschool and kindergarten is one of the best predictors of reading, writing, spelling, and comprehension success in later elementary years.

Literacy begins with YOU!

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Planning Centers with a Purpose

Take your learning centers to the next level!  Plan your centers for intentional learning and play with this step-by-step guide that walks you through how to plan for fun and engaging lessons that are enhanced through learning centers.

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The Little Learner's Playlist

The Little Learner's Playlist sorts over 400 of our favorite preschool songs for the classroom by curriculum themes and holidays. Liven up your classroom & boost brainpower with movement & music!  Learn through music and add preschool music activities to your day!

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